The city of Sibenik (Šibenik) is situated where the River Krka meets the sea, and where sleeping islands dream ancient, royal dreams and in the middle of the ancient Adriaticum Sea, on the shiniest part of the Mediterranean. The oldest Croatian city on the Adriatic coast is situated in the best protected natural harbor. It is a place where some of the first immigrant Croats saw the sea, but also a home of the first Croatian king. Proud and loyal to its people Sibenik (Šibenik) has been defending its treasure, through history, and none of the forces could defeat it in a war.
Courageous position, nature and relief that surround it, gave Sibenik (Šibenik) the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of its existence. Fertile plains and valleys have developed viticulture, agriculture, olive groves and vegetable growing. Facing the sea, people were fishing, building boats and sailing.

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