+385 51 312 280
Mediteran Adria d.o.o. - Putnička agencija, Janka Polić Kamova 83, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00

Through the seasons

Copyright: Tourist Board of Osijek-Baranja Country

Autumn in Slavonia and Baranja invites you to gather around fireplaces and preparing the specialties or to explore the vineyards and wine plains. The whole region is under the banner of cultural and tourist events such as the presentation of food, hand work, paintings, folk costumes and jewelry exhibitions...
Visit 'Fišijada' – a competition of fish stew / paprikaš preparation by the old Slavonian recipe, Pozega (Požega) organ evenings, Chestnut fest/kestenijada and try out many kinds of chestnut desserts, Apple days in Pozega (Požega), cultural programs and performances of various bands in Beli Manastir, Martinje in Kutjevo, wine songs festival in Kutjevo, tamburitza musical performances and attend 'Iločka berba' - a set where all wine producers od Danube region and Slavonia gather.
Winter is Slavonia’s liveliest season. Winters are not windy, but cold and gentle - full of snow. Follow the roads that lead to Baroque castles, medieval fortresses and mystic cellars, convents and wine labyrinths. Visit the Nature parks Kopacki Rit (Kopački rit) and Papuk, Gajna – an important landscape rich with marshland, rich in flora and fauna with many educational paths and promenades, Radisevo (Radiševo) - special reserve of forest vegetation, Erdut - an important city of Baranja region with medieval ruins of the tower and the castle...
Visit the Museum of Ilok, local History Museum of Nasice (Našice), templar church of St. Martin from the pre-Turkish time, the Franciscan monastery in Sarengrad (Šarengrad).
For entertainment and fun, visit Kutjevo's Vincelovo - the traditional celebration of the St. Vinko with additional cultural and entertaining contents, Vinkovo - tour of the vineyards, enjoy in tasty barbecue accompanied by wine tasting and folk music, days of Dobrisa Cesaric (Dobriša Cesarić)... Sport activities such as hunting, fishing, horseback riding or biking, motocross and competition driving, trails hiking and recreational running.
Spring brings dewy mornings, colorful fruits and wakening of life. Visit Eltz Castle in Vukovar - impressive Baroque building decorated with rich details and luxury items, romantic old shell of Osijek fortress, Radisevo (Radiševo) - protected forest area of the ancient oak trees that represents the natural heritage…

Erdut, Slavonija
Copyright: Tourist Board of Osijek-Baranja Country

Celebrate the Day of Planet Earth at the festival of amateur singers and the tamburitza bands of Slavonia 'Golden voice of Golden Valley/Zlatni glas Zlatne doline', Velicka Folklore gathering of nurtured traditions and customs, the Festival of Grasevina (Graševina) – events of winemakers associations, fishing cup, mountain-bike marathon Papuk ...
Taste Slavonian gastronomic specialties, homemade wine and brandy, kulen sausages, ham and cheese, homemade sweets and cakes.
Summer in Slavonia and Baranja brings beautiful, long and hot days. Visit the vineyards and cellars, the ruins of the medieval city of Ruzica on Papuk, Castle Mailath furnished in English hunting style castle in Donji Miholjac...
Find the summer refreshment in nearby rivers, lakes, swimming pools, hotels and wellness centers. Go fishing, ride down the river and sight-seeing of surrounding area, recreate close to lakes, run, ride a bike or simply lie down on the soft grass by the river and enjoy the view of evergreen landscape in fertile Slavonia.
Visit the summer artistic colony, children's tamburitza festival, an international art exhibition and assessment of Graševina wine - over 300 samples of Graševina wine from all countries, KULENIJADA - national competition of great masters of kulen, Požega summer festival - music festival, and exhibitions of artists in Osijek.